holistic postpartum care &
childbirth education

The Home Birth Plan

Help keep your birth team on the same page with this editable, downloadable and printable PDF.

If you’d like to access via Canva, email me at nextofkincare@gmail.com.

Meet Codi, a postpartum doula, researcher and educator, and mother of two.

I’m so happy you’re here.

Next of Kin is a passion project of mine, dedicated to my daughters. Through my work here, I intend on healing her from some challenging, hard-to-understand health issues that have been stealing from her childhood. I intend for everything here to go towards medical costs and the wellbeing of our family.

Origin of the name: My “adopted father” dreamed of starting a business called Next of Kin, though he passed in 2021. When I started daydreaming about starting this project and devoting it to my daughter (who was named after him), Next of Kin was obvious to me.